Help support new arrivals from Afghanistan

Supporting London and the South East

Help with:


Not many of the 10,000 new arrivals currently speak English. We are looking for people to help with translation, especially if you can speak Dari/Farsi or Pashto.


If you or your business can offer food, we can put you in contact with a food bank near you. Many new arrivals from Afghanistan are struggling to make ends meet.


If you are able to donate money, there are a number of organisations and campaigns that you can support. If you add your postcode, we'll connect you to those in your area.

English Lessons

If you have experience teaching, especially with TEFL or ESOL, there are many organisations who need support to help new refugees learn English. Because of recent funding cuts, there are long waiting lists for many of these programmes.


People have donated clothes and other items, but it's a challenge to physically deliver them to new arrivals' houses. If you can drive, and have a car (or even better a van), this would be extremely helpful.

Sorting Donations

People have generously donated clothes and other items for new arrivals. Many organisations now need some people to help sort out these donations and coordinate delivering them.

Enter your details

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Your Full Name*


Phone Number

Your Postcode*

I agree to share my data with Time to Spare ("the co-ordinating organisation") and for them to pass that information on to the NHS, public health and other relevant responsible public and third sector bodies to help support new arrivals from Afghanistan